Matilda Haliburton, Trainer

Matilda Haliburton is very passionate about dog training and scent work and has been for many years.

She got her start when she took a tracking class with her first dog in 2015 and now has several tracking titles with her GSP, Jax, as well as other dogs she has helped train and handle.

When not tracking, Matilda and Jax spend lots of time outdoors, hiking, camping, and, most recently, working as a Wildlife Detection Dog team.

She has learned much through her apprenticeship with K9 Leadership, annual Clicker Expos, annual MET Conferences, her time working with guide dogs, as well as courses with world-renowned trainer Ken Ramirez, including Training for Professionals Across Species and the Dive Deep Advanced Course of the same, at The Ranch. She has continued with self-directed learning and is presently improving her breadth of knowledge in Dog Detection uses in Conservation.

As well as maintaining a faithful student following in CKC sport tracking alongside Maureen, Matilda instructs in the K9 Leadership Puppy Program and the Dog Leadership Program. She also co-teaches with Kayleigh in Target Ready and developed the new Trail Manners course outline, which she also instructs.